People rarely think about health at home. It’s because it’s a constant. People are always at their home so the health implications don’t always come to people, especially if they’ve been there for a long time. Things change so slowly you may not realise.
Ensuring there’s great health and happiness at home for you and your family isn’t too difficult, but it does require a certain proactivity on your part. Of course, every home and family situation is different. What you need will be different to what someone else needs.
These tips can give you something to think about to ensure family health succeeds at home.
Cut The Clutter: Space Promotes Good Health
Are you guilty of hoarding? Maybe it isn’t even hoarding and perhaps you’ve just got too much stuff laying around. Do you need it all? Are there too many toys in and around the home? Maybe you don’t want to throw anything out. Especially if storage is at a premium. It’s time to sort out your clutter.
In which case you should look at someone like redlandcitystorage.com.au which can hold some of your items until you have more space. Or, just scoop up what you don’t need and sell it on. You’ll make some extra money for you and your family too.
Having a clear out like this is beneficial because it means you won’t struggle to find space for then new. It stops clutter, and will indefinitely reduce stress levels across the board. Focus on space throughout the home to help boost happy health.
Ensure You Eat Together
If you’ve got a larger family, it’s always better to ensure that you eat together. Eating together promotes a healthy relationship with everyone involved. It gives you a chance to catch up before they all go and do their own thing. It also gives you the right opportunity to ensure people are eating healthy, real meals.
If you let people do their own thing it just becomes so easy to throw something cheap together or to even go for fast food. You usually eschew cooking a full meal if its only you eating.
Routine keeps people happy, it gives structure to people’s lives, especially kids. Knowing they’re eating well will calm you too, meaning it lessens the worry factor. It might not be something you have to do every single night, especially as the kids get older. Every family is different.
We make sure to always try and eat our evening meal together as a family. Location will vary – some days it will be our kitchen, others that family den, but it’s important for us to enjoy one meal together every day as a bare minimum.
Dedicate An Area For Exercise
It can be pretty important to dedicate space to healthy exercise. This became super apparent after the coronavirus pandemic struck. People were stuck in their homes without the means to exercise.
This might just be some weights tucked under your bed to use when you’re ready or it could be a room full of gym equipment. Everyone is different. For us, it’s yoga! We enjoy doing some family yoga together and all you need for that is some yoga mats which can stay under the bed. Limited storage space required and a good 30min yoga session every couple of days.
You might be pretty serious with exercise however and want space for a treadmill, massage gun, bench press machine, etc. The point is, having somewhere to exercise promotes exercising within your family. If you don’t have a dedicated area you’ll find it much harder to exercise at home.
Got Something To Add?
What do you do with your family and your home to ensure health and happiness is part of the fabric? Share your tips with us below.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Helen, Nial and Lewis.