Did you know that this week is mental health week, and indeed tomorrow (10th October) is World Mental Health Day. The theme this year is suicide prevention, and suicide is indeed something that impacts so many areas in Northern Ireland every year.
Like many of you, we have our good days and our bad days, but we truly do find it helps to be open and talk with each other about any struggles you may be having. Now, we’re not going to write an article on mental health because we just aren’t qualified enough to share that advice, however, getting yourself in a state of relaxation is a great way to de-stressing and coping with any mental health issues you may have.
So, below we highlight 4 ways to relax and unwind in the home.
1. A Deep Soak
We guess you could say this is an obvious one, but many of us live busy lives, whether this is down to work, family, hobbies, or a mix of all three. This can often mean we have very little time to ourselves, and even less time to run a bath. Our advice – try to dedicate at least one evening a week to run a bath and enjoy a deep soak.
We tend to go for either a Friday or a Sunday as this can help you unwind after a long week’s work, or relax in preparation for the upcoming week. Play your favourite music or read a book in the bath to help get yourself into a real sense of relaxation.
2. Do Some Baking

There has been some research into the connections between cooking and mental health, and by taking time out in the kitchen you can really help improve your mental state and cope with things like anxiety and stress.
For us, one of the most enjoyable things to do is to cook in the kitchen as a family. We enjoy baking and generally spending time as a family cooking up some of our favourite recipes. We find this a great way to relax and enjoy spending time as a family. Cooking may not be for everyone, but give it a try as a family this weekend and see how it works in helping you to relax and unwind.
Also, you’ll find yourself less engaged in your phone and more engaged in each others conversation. Now that’s one big plus from cooking together.
3. Get A Good Night Sleep
Another one that might seem like a simple steep to relaxing, but it’s amazing the amount of people who don’t or can’t enjoy a good night’s sleep (and we are regularly part of this group, although Lewis certainly has a role in this).
One thing to consider when it comes to getting a good nights sleep is things like herbal teas or a herbal remedy like CBD, and you can easily order a CBD subscription box in the UK. CBD products can boost overall wellness and many say it has positive effects on their sleep, energy and general well-being.
4. Hit The Outdoors

Our final tip to relaxing and unwinding is to actually do a bit of a workout. Now, we’re not talking about a one hour busting session at your local gym. Rather a case of heading outdoors and enjoying nature at it’s finest. This is something we regularly do in Newcastle as we find long walks along with promenade or in the scenic Mourne Mountains can be a great way to relax
Not only that, but the excursions usually leave you feeling tired which can help ensure a good night sleep – ticking two boxes on our list!
Got Something To Add?
Do you have anything to add to our list when it comes to tips for relaxing? Share them with us in the comments section below.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Helen, Nial and Lewis.