Spring is here and this means it is the ideal time for us to start enhancing our living space. Whether you decide to paint the house a new colour, rearrange the furniture or do nothing at all, the home can look brighter in the spring months.
One thing which is always great to do in spring is to clean the home from top to bottom, and today we are going to share some simple tips to make the home look amazing.
1. Declutter
A lot of the time the main reason our house looks dirty is due to mess. With the amount of items we accumulate over the winter period when Christmas has been and gone, the house can feel bloated and full for the spring. A great idea would be to spend the weekend clearing out the house from top to bottom and getting the waste removed by professionals.
Start from the loft and work your way down getting rid of anything you don’t use or need, then visit the site to hire a removal company to take everything away. It’ll save you a trip to the tip and your home will feel some much airier.
2. Clean the windows
It is so important for us to remember to clean the windows inside and out if we want the home to look and feel amazing all year long. In the spring we will start to get much more light in the house but if your windows are grimy this is not going to show through. Take the time this weekend to clean all of your windows inside and out and it will make the world of difference to your home.
3. Dry clean the curtains

The curtains in the house are an ever present feature but they often go unnoticed by us during the year. In spring it is the ideal time to take your curtains to the dry cleaners and make sure they are white and bright once more. It might not seem like it would make an impact, but it will make a bigger difference to the space than you think.
4. Paint a wall or two
If you feel that your home is looking a little drab and dull, one of the causes could be that your paint job is starting to fade away. Over time even the brightest colour of paint can fall victim to weatherif so it is a good idea for you to paint a fresh coat on the walls now and again to make it feel brand new.
5. Make it smell great
Part of the spring cleaning process as well as making the home look fresh and clean is to also make it smell fresh. One of the best ways that you can do this is to get a bouquet of flowers and use these to brighten up the home and provide some amazing aromas for the house. It can be amazing to do this and it means that your home always looks and smells amazing.
Got Something to Add?
What are your top spring cleaning tips? Let us know by commenting below.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Helen, Nial and Lewis.