We tend to think of our homes as being something that provides us with “shelter” and that’s the extent to which they protect our health. But it turns out that we can actually go much further than this, turning the places we live into a kind of sanctuary that allows our bodies to thrive.
In this post, therefore, we take a look at some of the ways that you can make your home more health-focused. Remember, going ahead with any of these projects is an investment. You’re making your home into a place that is going to keep you healthy and happy long-term.
So what can you do to make your home all about health?
Create A Herb Pantry
Modern medicine doesn’t like to talk about it, but herbs are among the most powerful natural remedies available. Many work just as well as leading medications, if not better. And yet they hardly ever come with side effects.
Take ginger, for instance, a common addition to Asian dishes, cookies and cakes. Ginger is a tuberous plant that grows under the soil. It contains a chemical that appears to fight pain just as well as aspirin in studies.
Then there are herbs like amla. This tiny fruit from Indian seems to lower blood sugar levels more than the leading drugs.
There are numerous other examples from the research literature that say similar things about a whole host of herbs. So getting as many as you can is essential.
That’s why it is a good idea to have a herb pantry. You can use this space to store all your herbs and spices in bulk, providing you with easy access to them when you need them. Plus, you can also make it beautiful, since every herb or spice looks a little different.
Install A Home Gym
Perhaps the biggest thing you can do to make your home more health-focused is to build a home gym. You can do this anywhere that you have spare space available.
For instance, some people like to build home gyms in their attics or basements. Others use their conservatories.
Installing a home gym is actually quite simple. Usually, all you need to do is move equipment into a room, put down a mat, install a mirror, and you’re ready to go.
If you live in a hot area, you may also want to look into installing air conditioning in the gym. A single wall-mounted unit should suffice for keeping you cool during your most intense workouts.
If you have the budget for it, you can also build home gyms in outbuildings in your garden. Usually, these take the form of glass-walled sheds, built so that they comply with planning permission.
Getting a home gym with the right equipment can really boost your health. Walking on an incline treadmill, for instance, offers numerous cardiovascular benefits that you just can’t get otherwise.
You’ll also want to get a multi-trainer and a squat rack. That’s because these pieces of equipment allow you to do large compound movements that support your overall strength and flexibility.
Lastly, you’ll need some free weights for regular exercises. Your best bet is to buy a free weight rack with all the weights that you need. Remember, staying hydrated is so important when working out. If you want to save money on buying bottles of water, invest in a complete home filtration system so you can keep the whole family healthy.
Add More Greenery To Your Spaces

Here’s another idea to make your home healthier: invest in greenery. Plants help to clear the air and can change your mood in a positive way.
If you can, start growing immediately. It doesn’t matter whether you buy a simple pot plant from the supermarket or invest in an entire nursery, beginning is the first step.
Plants can help you in multiple ways because they help satiate our biophilia – our love of the natural world. Try plants like spider plants and devil’s ivy as these tend to be good at clearing the air.
Separate Work And Play
Thanks to the pandemic, many of us are now working from home as an attempt to control the spread of disease. Unfortunately, this means that our homes have now become places of work. And that’s taking its toll on our health.
It turns out that separating work and home is generally a good idea. We need to feel like we can wind down and just relax from time to time, instead of having to constantly be on the go. But when your kitchen is your office, that’s not so easy.
For this reason, many people are investing in sheds, outbuildings and home offices to keep work and family life separate. The result is lower stress levels and better concentration while working. Ultimately, having different spaces allows you to compartmentalise different activities. The moment you leave the office, you know that you’re finished for the day and can enjoy other things.
Get Rid Of Clutter
Lastly, if you want a health-focused home, try getting rid of clutter. The cleaner your home feels, the less psychological burden it places on you. So it’s time to declutter your home and enjoy a happier and healthier home.
Start by keeping all your surfaces clean. This can help you maintain tidiness.
Next, use labelled storage boxes for all the odd items in your home that you don’t want lying around. Sort through them and get rid of anything that you don’t need anymore.
Got Something to Add?
Let us know what you do to have a healthier feel to your home in the comments section below.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Helen, Nial and Lewis