4 Signs Your Home Needs Some TLC

Contemporary Living Room Design - Pikalily Blog

Sometimes you can get so familiar with your home decor that you barely even notice it anymore. It all just blends together and you never really think about how it looks or if it’s actually decorated the way you want.

Eventually, you can find yourself walking into a room and just thinking “wait, did it always look like this!” Suddenly a room you were so used to can seem dark, drab and dull. Sometimes it’s even that obvious, the moment you don’t even notice your decor anymore might hint that it’s time for a change. Here are four signs that it might be time to redecorate your home.

4 Signs It’s Time to Redecorate

1. It Feels Dark

Sometimes a home doesn’t even need to have a dark decor to feel cold and dark. Have a look around your home and see if any rooms just don’t quite feel like they’re getting enough light. A lot of this could be down to the way the room is laid out.

Try and think about how you could change it up to create a lighter, more spacious area. You should also look at your walls. Does the colour help to make your room feel brighter? Light colours are great at making your home feel brighter, and indeed rooms feel bigger.

2. It Feels Dated

If it’s been a few years since you decorated your home, chances are that fashion have moved on and your current style may feel dated. Not only do times change but our own tastes change too. It’s possible your own tastes and fashion has changed in the period of time that has passed from your last decorating project.

Re-decorating can create an ambiance that feels much closer to the person you are now. Get rid of that dated wallpaper, shop for bathroom taps to bring some modern flair to your bathroom and change up the colours around your home. Consider new rugs, new curtains, new bedding and even updating your furniture.

Winter Bathroom Ideas - Pikalily Blog

One of the most significant changes that you might want to make to modernise your home is the floor. The floor is such an important part of any home, and considering a modern material or design can really help to lift the space.

Something like hardwood floors, wood-effect tiles or even ultra-modern concrete from somewhere like carrcrete.co.uk can help to bring your home into the modern age in an instant. When designing our new home we opted for a traditional herring bone design but the added a modern touch with wood-effect tiles and underfloor heating.

3. It Doesn’t Feel Grown Up

Perhaps you were much younger when you moved in, or maybe you decorated for the kids, and now they’re grown. Either way, your home doesn’t properly reflect your adult life and the person that you are. Go through your home and figure out what does and doesn’t represent you properly.

Those posters on your wall? Why not frame them and turn them into mature looking wall art? If you have kids, try to create some more elegant storage solutions for their toys and belongings. Clean out the clutter and let your home breathe again. You’ll find a style that’s right for you, but in order to do that sometimes, you have to take an “out with the old, in with the new” approach.

4. It Has No Flow

Over time it’s easy for your home to start to feel like it has lost its flow. The addition of furniture and perhaps the gathering of boxes, clothes and anything else you decide to store in rooms and cupboards can take its toll on how your home looks.

Tips for updating your hallway 1 - Pikalily blog

Start the new year by considering the layout of your home. Take your time to walk around your home and spend time in your rooms. What is it you want to get from these rooms, and indeed your home? If you don’t feel your home flows as it should, take the time to plan out what needs to be done and take it room by room.

Whether it’s a simple spring clean or something more significant like a mini renovation project, try to give your home its mojo back and breath some life into your home again.

Is It Time For Some TLC?

Is your home in need of some TLC? If you’d like more advice please get in touch or ask a question in the comments section below.

Until next time, give your home some TLC.

Helen, Nial and Lewis.


Welcome to Pikalily, an award-winning food, travel and lifestyle blog. We are Nial and Helen, a happily married couple from Northern Ireland, who share a passion for food and travel among many things. We became parents to our beautiful boy Lewis in 2017. Follow our adventures through the blog.

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