Knowing When The Time Is Right To Move Home

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For many, there comes a time when we need to say goodbye to our home and move on. This could be for any number of reasons – your circumstances may have changed and you need a bigger house (or smaller home), or perhaps you just know the time is right for a change. For us, this time was about 3 years ago. We had been married a year and knew the time was right to consider our living arrangements, and for us the answer was a self-build project. Here are several reasons why you might consider a new home, with each forming part of our initial discussion around our home.

4 Reasons Why It Could Be Time To Move Home

1. Your Bills are Too High

Before completing our self-build project we lived in a small cottage that was over 100 years old. While it was a great home with lots of character, heating the home was proving a regular challenge, especially in the winter months. Insulating the home was proving problematic and electric heaters were our main source of heat during the winter months. As you can imagine, the electric bill was nice for much of the year 🙂

While high bills alone wouldn’t be enough to make us knock down and rebuild, they were certainly a contributing factor, and for many, they could be a good reason for considering a new move.

2. You Need More Space

Kitchen Design Ideas - Pikalily BlogIf like us you’re in the phase of your life where a growing family dictates the space you need in your home, then chances are you need more space. Whether this is for your pets, entertaining friends and family, or more room for the kids, needing more space is another reason to consider moving home or renovating.

We went for quite a modern home so we needed contemporary architects to really maximise the space of our plot and ensure we got the most of our space. Our builders were able to take the plans and bring them to life, creating a new home for us that provides lots of space for both our current and future needs.

3. You No Longer Show Off Your House

In case you feel like your heart is no longer filled with joy and pride when you have guests at home, chances are that you will need to make a change. It might be the lack of style, the tired decor, or the limited space or parking that is making you unhappy about where you live. The good news is that you can update your home on a budget and make a positive change, so you can be house-proud again.

If you’re not feeling the love for your home, perhaps it’s time to look for a change. We loved our old home, but it was starting to show its age, and for us, this was another sign that it was time to move on and rebuild.

4. Your Family Has Changed

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For us, the biggest thing that influenced our decision to rebuild our home was to start a family. While we loved our old home and the character it had, we knew if we wanted to raise a family we needed to update our home. For others it may be a case of downsizing as kids have moved out and you no longer need as big a home. Your family needs will often dictate what you need from a home, and it’s important to think ahead in this aspect as well.

Are You Ready For Change?

Whether it’s your current stage of life, your family needs or the fact that you just want a change of location and a new home, you’ll probably know when the time is right to move home. If a self-build is something you’re particularly keen on exploring, please get in touch and we can share our own experiences with you and hopefully pass on some advice. When it comes to moving home and considering your next move, it’s certainly good to talk to those who have experienced similar moves.

Until next time, enjoy planning those next steps for your home.

Helen, Nial and Lewis


Welcome to Pikalily, an award-winning food, travel and lifestyle blog. We are Nial and Helen, a happily married couple from Northern Ireland, who share a passion for food and travel among many things. We became parents to our beautiful boy Lewis in 2017. Follow our adventures through the blog.

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