As your family grows and changes, its needs will grow and change as well. Your kids get bigger, they want more space. Or if you have more children, you need more space for car seats and prams and everything else that comes with them. You might need a second car for one parent to take to work, or for an older child to learn to drive.
There are so many things to take into consideration, so here are a few of them to make the next decision easier.
Your Budget
First on the list, we have the budget. Nobody likes it, but money matters, especially when you’re making a big purchase like a new car. Your budget should be reasonable and non-negotiable. Going out of your budget can lead to massive problems down the road, so focus on what you need and what you can sacrifice.
Most people use car financing loans to purchase a car. A reputable lender will consider your lifestyle and income to help you come up with a reasonable loan amount. But even in this case, bear in mind the cost of the loan and any potential interest rates.
You don’t want to be saddled with unnecessary debt, especially when you could go for a cheaper model that still suits your needs.
If you’re buying a secondary car, it makes sense to spend less than on the family car. A single person, whether they’re commuting to work or learning to drive, doesn’t have the same needs. Besides, a cheaper and less powerful car may add up to cheaper insurance costs, which is especially important for young drivers.
Used or New Car
When it comes to your budget, you also need to consider whether you need a new or used car. Edmunds car dealership offers both options, allowing you to make a direct comparison between prices and specifications so you can find the ideal car for your family and your budget.
Second-hand cars and used cars are always cheaper than their new versions, often considerably so. Going for a used car allows you to get a better model that might have more space, mod-cons, and other things you need.
On the other hand, new cars are often more reliable as they have no chance of a chequered past. They generally come with a more solid guarantee, although you can get used cars with guarantees and offers including free services.
In the end, it’s a balancing game
Space and Comfort
We’ve touched on the need for space in your new family car, and for good reason. Oddly, smaller children tend to need more space, especially if they’re still young enough to require car seats.
But older children might have other responsibilities and after-school activities that include tools and equipment that, you guessed it, take up a lot of space. Besides, no teenager wants to be squeezed in the back.
More space is especially important if you take long car journeys or go on road trips. After all, it’s best that everyone is comfortable, not just those in the front.
Got Something to Add?
What do you think about when shopping around for a new family car? Let us know in the comments below.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Helen, Nial, Lewis and Mason