It’s fair to say that being a good mum is never an easy task, and it can certainly take over your life as you know it when you channel every ounce of your energy into your children. Each day becomes focused on your family rather than yourself, and this can leave little time or energy left for you to look after your own wants and needs as an individual.
This is even more real when you become a new mum and have to begin that parenting process all over again as you focus more time on your child than yourself.
We’ve recently welcomed our second son into the world and as with most new mums I’m struggling for some ‘me’ time, but thankfully have the knowledge from my first child to help guide me through and get my confidence in my appearance back quickly.
Your confidence can reach all time low levels when you become a mum, causing you to experience feelings of self doubt that can affect your personal and family life more than you could ever imagine.
Fortunately, figuring out how to gain more self confidence as a mum with little time to spare doesn’t need to be as tricky as you might initially imagine, as there are numerous easy ideas that you can make the most of to fall back in love with yourself once more.
Here are two tips that I’ve found has helped me get that boost and confidence back as a new mum.
Establish Your Own Daily Self Care Schedule
An effective yet simple method that you can pursue to boost your confidence is to establish your own self care routine. The impact that such an exercise can have on the way that you feel both physically and mentally is outstanding when you finally take the time to indulge in such an addition to your daily schedule.
You can often feel that you don’t have the time to ‘look your best’ or ‘make an effort’ when you’re a new mum, but try to get into a routine each day where you set aside some time to pamper yourself in the morning. Or perhaps it’s during the baby’s nap time and you can relax in the bath (baby monitor in hand of course). It’s important to remember you need to allow time to look after yourself as well.
Spending just 20 minutes on your self care schedule can no doubt help you to feel noticeably better afterward, so it’s a super quick and simple option that has the real potential of being an extremely effective idea that can help take your confidence to a whole new level.
Transform Your Wardrobe To Put Some Pep In Your Step
Most new mums choose to stick with clothing that is comforting and can be somewhat underwhelming – after all, you’ve spent the last few months in comfy maternity clothes. Now that your baby is born and you’re looking to get a sense of normality back in your life, these clothes will certainly offer you little in the way of confidence.
Though the reality may be that in order to cover up any lumps and bumps it’s much easier to throw on a baggy jumper and some yoga pants, you’ll want to find a balance moving forward. It’s still so important to feel comfortable around the house but you’ll also want to start getting your groove on again when it comes to your wardrobe, as you’ll have visitors to your home and also start going out more often for walks and other family activities.
Changing up your wardrobe so that you can invest in some new and exciting clothing could have a dramatic impact on the way that you feel about yourself in general. Being dressed up in your new favourite outfit that flatters your figure and expresses your true personality can certainly help to increase your confidence to levels that you perhaps haven’t experienced in a few months or more.
Getting that post baby body back to a level you’re happy with, and getting the clothes to match can really do wonders for your confidence.
Get online and find a fashion website like The DOM that stocks a seemingly endless supply of clothing and accessories, as you may need a large fashion house that supplies lots of diff styles and trends to find the wardrobe pieces that will be able to boost your confidence like you had hoped for.
If you want clothing that is a little more in inquest and individual, then visiting thrift stores or auction sites could be the perfect alternative. These places maintain fashion from different years and therefore different trends and styles, so you have a much better chance of finding the best outfit to boost your confidence!
Be True To Yourself
Figuring out how you can begin to boost your confidence as a busy mum doesn’t have to be as tricky as you might initially imagine. There are lot’s of great websites with endless advice to help get you through the next phase of your life, and feeling comfortable and confident in our body’s is so important.
But remember, always be true to yourself and what you want – try to forget about what others think as this will only put more pressure on yourself.
Start to find times in your day and week where you can focus energy on yourself, because this is so important – you certainly deserve to feel great!
Got Something to Add?
If you’ve any tips for new mums to get back on their feet and get that confidence boost often needed, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Helen, Nial, Lewis and our newborn, Mason.