Encouraging your kids to get involved in the kitchen can feel like an impossible task but with a little bit of hard work and determination, you will definitely get there.
Whilst for some they don’t feel as though encouraging their children to help with the cooking is important, others feel as though it’s a vital skill for them to start learning from an early age.
Whether it’s helping to mix ingredients or helping to mash veg, they’ll learn to love getting involved. While Lewis is still relatively young, we’re trying to get him involved in the kitchen by helping us with ingredients and getting out things that he can’t break – like plastic bowls and beakers.
To help you get started, here are some of the top tips and recipes to help encourage kids to help in the kitchen.
1. Find Kid-Friendly Recipes Online
One of the best ways to get your kids involved with helping out in the kitchen is to find kid-friendly recipes that they can get involved in. By getting them involved in the cooking process you’ll probably find they’re more likely to try eating the food that has been created.
Find recipes that will give them lots of things to do, allowing them to feel as though they’ve really accomplished something whilst they’ve helped. We’ve shared a couple at the end of this post.
2. Ask Them What They Want To Make
Another way to get kids excited about helping you out in the kitchen is to ask them what they want to make. Whilst you may not be able to say yes to every single idea that they have, when you do allow them to help make the dinner that they suggest, they’ll feel as though you’re taking their ideas into consideration.
Kids can come up with some random suggestions though!
3. Get Creative With Colours And Ingredients

If you want to encourage your kids to get involved but you’re struggling to peak their interests, why not treat it like you would an arts and crafts session? Choose a meal that will allow them to get creative, experimenting with different colours and ingredients.
Homemade pizza or pasta can be great for this, while getting them involved in baking can also be a great way to peak their interest. Try to find a nice blend of fun cooking while ensuring you try to stick to healthy recipes (buns and cakes can be a welcome treat every once in a while that can really bring out their creativity).
4. Search Pinterest And Instagram For Inspiration
If you’re struggling to find inspiration for your meals, Pinterest and Instagram are great places to start! Try searching for recipes to make with kids and before you know it you will have thousands and thousands of results to choose from!
From the crazy and extreme to recipes that will really test their skills, the more ideas you have, the better. Hashtags like #kidscooking and #kidsrecipes can throw up some great ideas on Instagram. You’ll even get some great short videos here to try.
5. Buy Kitchen Equipment Specially Designed For Kids
Another great way to encourage your kids to help out in the kitchen is purchase equipment that is specifically designed to help them cook. Whilst you may see the benefits of cooking with stone frying pans and heavier utensils when it’s just you, these are likely to be things kids can’t carry on their own.
Ideally, you need to find utensils and bowls that are plastic, especially if you want to avoid any breakages and casualties. We’ve a full range of plastic cooking utensils and bowls to help with cooking.
Our only rule when it comes to cooking at present is Lewis doesn’t go near the hob or oven – the heat is just too dangerous. While he’s still very young, our introduction of cooking from an early age is already showing him what he can and can’t do in the kitchen, and he’s already understanding the can from the can’t, which is obviously very encouraging.
Recipe Ideas For Kids

If you’re looking for some fun recipe ideas to make with your kids, here are a number of different things you can try making today. Check out our recipes section for some additional inspiration.
– Create Your Own Pizzas
Create your own pizzas are a great way for everyone to make their own individual dish, made up of all of the different flavours they want to try. To help make it more fun, try encouraging your kids to make a creative design using their ingredients.
These healthy pizza ideas for toddlers from AptaClub are worth checking out.
– Silly Face Biscuits Or Cookies
These are a great way to encourage your children to start baking. Once you’ve made your base they can decorate using icing and a variety of different sweet treats. For ideas, check out kidspot.com.
– Healthy Chicken And Salad Tortillas
For a quick and easy lunch that will require very little ingredients, your kids will love putting together their own chicken and salad tortilla wraps – especially if they can choose their own ingredients!
– Anyway You Want Pancake Stacks

Finally, if you’re making a batch of pancakes, why not encourage your children to make their very own pancake stack creation? They’ll absolutely love having control over their toppings, and pancakes in particular have been a favourite of Lewis’s.
Got Something to add?
Do you want to encourage your kids to help you in the kitchen? Or do you want them to get involved in more evening activities? What can you do to encourage them? Let us know your ideas in the comments section below.
Until next time, happy cooking.
Helen, Nial and Lewis